Legionella Icon Health and Safety and Fire risk expert Stoke on Trent



Legionella is a type of bacteria commonly found in natural water sources such as rivers, lakes, and streams.

It can also be found in man-made water systems such as hot and cold-water systems, cooling towers, and spa pools. Exposure to Legionella can cause a serious lung infection known as Legionnaires’ disease. In order to

prevent the growth and spread of Legionella

, it is essential to control exposure in man-made water systems.
Controlling Legionella exposure in hot and cold-water systems involves a range of measures that need to be taken in a systematic and well-planned manner. These measures include:

It is essential to have a written scheme of control in place that identifies the risks, the control measures that need to be implemented, and the responsibilities of the people involved.

Regular sampling and testing of water systems for the presence of Legionella is essential to ensure that control measures are effective. This involves taking samples of water from different points in the system and testing them for the presence of Legionella.

Regular flushing of water systems is essential to remove stagnant water, which can be a breeding ground for Legionella. This is particularly important where dead legs exist in a water system.

Regular checks of water temperatures are essential to ensure that they remain within safe limits. Cold water should be kept below 20°C, and hot water should be kept above 50°C.

Benefits of managing Legionella correctly include:
We can support you to develop a control strategy to ensure that your workplace remains free from the potential of developing Legionella related issues.

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