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Fire Risk Assessment

Fire Risk Assessment

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (commonly known as the Fire Safety Order) is a pivotal piece of legislation in the United Kingdom that places a legal obligation on individuals and organisations to assess and manage the fire-related risks within their premises.

It applies to all non-domestic properties and common areas of multi-occupancy residential buildings. This order mandates that a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) be conducted as a fundamental component of fire safety management.

The key legal requirement for conducting a Fire Risk Assessment can be summarised as follows:

The responsible person (usually the building owner or occupier) must identify any potential fire hazards within their premises. These hazards can include sources of ignition, fuel, and oxygen, as well as fire safety equipment and evacuation routes.

The FRA should identify individuals who may be at risk in the event of a fire, such as employees, visitors, and anyone with limited mobility.

Risk assessments under the Fire Safety Order must evaluate the likelihood of a fire occurring and its potential consequences. Subsequently, measures to mitigate these risks must be put in place. This could involve improving fire detection systems, providing fire extinguishers, installing emergency lighting, and ensuring clear evacuation procedures.

It is a legal requirement to record the findings of the FRA, including the identified hazards and the measures taken to reduce the risks. Moreover, the assessment must be reviewed regularly, particularly if there are any significant changes to the premises or its use.

The Risk Assessment Process in Accordance with PAS 79

PAS 79, also known as the “Fire Risk Assessment Framework,” is a publicly available specification developed to offer practical guidance and standardise the fire risk assessment process. It aligns with the principles of the Fire Safety Order and provides a structured approach to conducting FRAs. The process, in accordance with PAS 79, can be broken down into several key steps:

Begin by clearly defining the scope of the assessment, including the specific areas and operations within the premises that need to be assessed.

Thoroughly identify potential fire hazards and sources of ignition within the premises.

Evaluate the likelihood of a fire occurring and its potential consequences, particularly in relation to the occupants and property.

Assess the effectiveness of existing fire safety measures and identify any gaps or deficiencies.

Based on the assessment, recommend and prioritize improvements to enhance fire safety, including actions to mitigate identified risks.

Maintain a comprehensive record of the assessment, and establish a system for periodic reviews to ensure that the fire safety measures remain effective and compliant with regulations.

Clearly communicate the findings and recommendations to all relevant parties and ensure that employees and occupants are educated on fire safety procedures and emergency evacuation plans.

All of our fire risk assessments are completed by competent assessors, and in accordance with the relevant statutory requirements and supporting guidance documentation.

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